Our Method


At the age of 14, Kelly fell in love with the guitar and decided that he wanted to dedicate his life to learning music. At age 22 he also fell in love with teaching children to play music. After some time teaching, he had an idea. Why not marry the two things that he loves best?

Kelly had used many books for teaching children how to play, but he became disappointed with the books that were available. The music seemed dull and boring for children. Realizing that he could create something more inspiring, Kasey’s Music Method was soon conceived!

Kelly published his first book, Kasey’s Guitar Jams for kids, in 2012. This book features full illustrations and fun and engaging music. Soon after he published Kasey’s Guitar Method for Kids to help children to learn to read music. Since then he has branched out and published books for other instruments including the piano and ukulele.

Kelly has two passions, creating music and teaching children. He thinks that notes on a page can only communicate so much. True inspiration comes when the music speaks directly to those that are listening!

Kelly lives with his wife, two children, and two cats in Minnesota.
